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The Basics of Machine Learning, and AI in Business

Jun 11, 2023Jun 11, 2023

Few innovations have captured the world’s imagination like Machine Learning (ML). This subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries and reshaping the way we approach complex problems. But what exactly is machine learning, and how do algorithms learn and improve?

Intro to Machine Learning:

At its core, machine learning is the art and science of training computers to learn from data. Instead of being explicitly programmed to perform a task, machines are provided with data and algorithms that enable them to learn patterns and relationships within the data. Through this process, machines can make predictions, decisions, and identify insights that are often difficult for traditional rule-based systems to uncover.

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Now if I tell you 2+2, you will reply 4. If I ask you 3+3, you will reply 6. If I ask 4+4, you will reply 8. Why do you think you know that? It’s because you have it in your memory.

That is what we call label builders. Those are structural labels that you already have in your head based on things you have learned in the past.

Now, let’s change it. if I tell you 1+1 = 3, 2+2 = 5, and then I ask you 5+5, what will you tell me? You will likely tell me 11. This is because you have studied the pattern.

So what happens is no magic. Machine learning learns through some structural data you have in the database or that you learn by possible access to data. The same way you study the trend and pattern to answer the question, that is what machine learning does. It is a subset of Artificial intelligence that mimicks the way the brain works.

The Building Blocks of Machine learning include:

Data: The foundation of machine learning is data. Quality data is essential for training algorithms effectively. This data can be structured (like tables in a database) or unstructured (like images, text, and videos). This data is what the AI learns and detects patterns and trends to reach future decisions.

Features: Features are the attributes or characteristics extracted from the data that the algorithm uses to make predictions. For instance, in an email spam detection system, features might include the frequency of certain words or the length of the email.

Model: The model is the heart of machine learning. It’s a mathematical representation that learns patterns and relationships from the provided data. Think of it as a set of rules that the algorithm refines as it processes more data. It is like trying to model real life situations, and giving the algorithm a set of rules on what to do when that happens.

Algorithm: Algorithms are the instructions that guide the learning process. They determine how the model is adjusted based on the provided data. Different algorithms are suited for different types of problems.

Here are some very interesting types of machine learning;

Supervised Learning: One of the most common types of machine learning is supervised learning. In this approach, the algorithm is trained on labeled data, meaning the input data is paired with the correct output. The algorithm learns the relationship between inputs and outputs, allowing it to make predictions on new, unseen data. A classic example is email spam detection, where the algorithm learns to distinguish between spam and legitimate emails.

Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised learning involves training algorithms on data without labeled outputs. The goal is to discover hidden patterns, structures, or relationships within the data. Clustering and dimensionality reduction are common tasks in unsupervised learning. For example, clustering can group similar customers together for targeted marketing strategies.

Reinforcement Learning: This one takes inspiration from behavioral psychology. Algorithms learn to make a sequence of decisions to maximize a reward signal. It’s like training a dog to perform tricks by providing treats for desired behavior. Reinforcement learning powers applications like game-playing agents and autonomous robots.

What you should know

Machine learning is not a one-time process, not at all. It is a continuous learning loop. As new data becomes available, the algorithms adapt and update their models to improve accuracy and relevance. This process allows algorithms to handle changing patterns and ensure their predictions remain current. More interesting is that this happens at a pace that humans would ordinarily not be able to do, on their own.

There are countless ways to apply machine learning in business, across different sectors. And we will see more of that in the coming weeks.

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and customer experience has emerged as a game-changer for businesses across industries. AI-powered solutions, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and recommendation engines, are revolutionizing the way companies interact with customers. But now, there is the question of whether AI will be capable of delivering highly personalized and engaging experiences tailored to individual customers?

The answer to the question is Yes. And here is how it works:

The Rise of AI-Powered Customer Interactions

AI-driven technologies have transcended their initial stages of development to become integral tools for enhancing customer interactions. It has gone way beyond the time of automated and monotone messages that bore customers. Chatbots and virtual assistants, often integrated into websites, applications, and messaging platforms, have evolved from scripted, rule-based systems to become intelligent entities capable of natural language processing and machine learning.

AI-powered chatbots excel in handling routine customer inquiries promptly and efficiently, giving humans room to attend to other things. They provide round-the-clock support, addressing customer concerns instantaneously without requiring human intervention. This is cheaper because not every business can afford to keep a staff on standby for 24 hours, every day of the year. With this, businesses can ensure consistent service delivery and immediate responses, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. After all, no customer wants to ask a question at 1am, and wait till 8am to receive a response.

Personalization at Scale: Tailoring Customer Experiences

One of the most significant contributions of AI to customer experience lies in its ability to deliver personalized interactions at scale. Traditional marketing and customer service approaches often struggle to tailor experiences to the unique preferences of each individual. This is understandable because there is only so much a human can do. AI changes this paradigm by analyzing vast amounts of data – from customer behavior and purchase history to browsing patterns and demographic information – to create detailed customer profiles.

Recommendation engines, powered by AI algorithms, leverage these profiles to suggest products, services, and content that align with customers’ interests. This personalization not only enhances engagement but also drives sales and conversions. For instance, platforms like Netflix and Amazon use recommendation engines to curate content and products, respectively, resulting in increased user engagement and customer satisfaction. In this way, if you have been recently searching for tips to keep your shoes looking new, you may get product recommendations ranging from shoe brush, to polish etc. If a human customer experience officer were to manually analyse a customers interest and make recommendations, it would take a sickening amount of time even if it were possible.

Seamless Customer Journeys with AI-Powered Insights

AI not only drives personalization but also aids in creating seamless customer journeys. By analyzing customer data and behavior, businesses can identify pain points and areas for improvement in their processes. This insight enables companies to optimize their customer journeys, ensuring a smooth transition from one touchpoint to another.

With AI-powered analytics, businesses can predict customer behavior and preferences, and proactively address their needs. For instance, e-commerce platforms can use AI to forecast inventory requirements based on historical purchasing patterns, ensuring that popular products are always in stock and ready to be delivered.

The Human-AI Collaboration

While AI enhances customer experiences, it’s important to note that successful implementation requires a delicate balance between automation and the human touch. AI is adept at handling routine queries and transactions, freeing up human agents to focus on complex issues that require empathy, creativity, and critical thinking.

By automating routine tasks, businesses can allocate their human resources more strategically. This combination of AI and human expertise results in a dynamic synergy that optimizes customer interactions across the board.

There is room for Continuous Innovation

The evolution of AI in customer experience may be impressive so far, but it is far from over. As technology advances, we can anticipate even more sophisticated applications of AI to enhance engagement and personalization. To be fair, there is no predicting just how far AI can go. What we can say for sure is that within the next decade, the natural language processing will have become more refined, enabling chatbots to understand context and sentiment better. Virtual assistants will integrate seamlessly into users’ lives, offering proactive suggestions and assistance based on user behavior and preferences.

Moreover, AI will continue to blur the lines between online and offline experiences. Facial recognition and customer sentiment analysis can even transform in-person interactions, allowing businesses to tailor services and offers in real time.

As AI technology continues to advance, businesses that embrace these innovations stand to gain a competitive edge, forging stronger connections with customers and driving long-term loyalty. The future of customer experience lies in the seamless integration of AI and human expertise, creating a harmonious blend that will elevate engagement and personalization to new heights.

A disruptive digital innovator, a start-up tech wizard, business strategist, serial entrepreneur, and international keynote speaker, Samuel Ajiboyede is the CEO of Zido Global and author of The Entrepreneur's Diary.

Intro to Machine Learning:Tekedia AI in Business MasterclassJoin Tekedia Capital SyndicateThe Building Blocks of Machine learning include:DataFeaturesModelAlgorithmSupervised LearningUnsupervised LearningReinforcement Learning:What you should knowThe Rise of AI-Powered Customer InteractionsPersonalization at Scale: Tailoring Customer ExperiencesSeamless Customer Journeys with AI-Powered InsightsThe Human-AI CollaborationThere is room for Continuous InnovationFiled in: